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Cardiac Test

It is estimated that about every 40 someone in the U.S. have a heart attack. Heart attacks are the leading and growing cause of death globally, with over a million fatalities each year in the U.S., and often occur without warning to the people who get them. Garduno Family Medicine offers advanced cardiac testing for early detection, timely intervention, and reduced risk of heart attacks or strokes.


Our advanced cardiac test is a high-sensitivity test that can detect and measure the C-reactive protein (CRP) used as a marker for cardiac inflammation. The liver produces this protein in response to inflammation in the body commonly observed in patients who struggle with obesity, diabetes, poor diet, sedentary behavior, stress, smoking, autoimmune disease, or even some medications.

All About Early Detection. Get Ahead of a Heart Attack

Proactive Preventative Care

Early Detection & Intervention

Reduce Anxiety and Provides Reassurance regarding Cardiac Health

Empowers Patient to actively participate in their Healthcare Decisions

Enables the Development of a Personalized Treatment Plan based on Cardiac Profile

Promotes Healthier Lifestyle Modifications

At Garduno Family Medicine, we serve as our members’ health advisors, and we believe that advanced testing can detect cardiovascular risk factors and conditions early before symptoms manifest. Early detection allows for prompt intervention and preventive measures to mitigate the progression of heart disease.

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